Thursday, September 29, 2011

Getting my butt in gear!

Well I fell off the wagon with my healthy eating and working out so I'm trying to get my butt back into gear I'm really upset with myself because I got down to 142 so much closer to my goal and now I'm back to where I was to begin with! 149.... Ugh. Iv done pretty ok with eating healthy but inget my urges and cave in. But yesterday and so far today iv done good! My sister in law (the one who just had the baby) started going to the gym together and I'll tell ya it's so much easier to drag my butt to the gym going with her than with Sam. The gym goes by so much quicker when you have a gossip buddy and who is a skinny bean pole (helps push me lol) but really it's nice I'm today I'm looking forward to going even though I'm sooooooo sore!! It feel great! When I'm feeling not so motivated I go check out all the women with abs on pinterest lol. Gets my motivation back up!

I'm going to start my low carb healthy eating plan again and with our gym routine hopefully I'll be on my way to skinny town in no time!!

I'm getting excited just thinking about it!!


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